Here we are folks, The last show/post covering our European tour. When I started touring Europe four years ago, It was just me, a month long train pass and a CD of my instrumentals. To have 4 of my homies with me is a true blessing. We ended the tour on a wonderful note, it doesn't get any more Hip Hop than The Kassablanca in Jena, Germany. This venue is an old train yard converted in to a venue where graffiti writers are free to do their thing. This footage is dedicated to my homie Trek Life. In light of his new EP "Rhymes Within Reason" produced by J.Bizness and his up & coming LP "Everything Changed Nothing" produced by me, I though it was only right to showcase his new material.
To everyone who followed us on this tour, thank you! You know I'll always bring you the newest edition of what you've been missing! Peace.