Man oh man, the past two weeks have been crazy. I've been working on an instrumental album called "Rock Creek Park". I wasn't suppose to be working on this until June but the deadline was switched. In two weeks I created 10 tracks, recording drums, trumpet, keys, bass, violin & yU. I'll be mixing it this weekend, turning it in on Monday & hopefully shooting the cover early next week.
Rock Creek Park was & will always be one of my favorite places in DC. As a child I spent allot of time riding my bike through the park from Maryland into DC & out to Virginia. Apparently in the 70's, couples did allot
MORE than ride through it.
These instrumentals were created to reflect the feelings I get when I'm riding, walking or driving through the park day or night. In short, it's a summer time feel good record for that ass. Can't wait for ya'll to hear it.
Sat at my desk for two weeks & made all the beats.
yU came through to record vocals to the opening track.
Headed back to DC to record all the live instrumentation at my boy "Unknown's" house. That's "Unknown" he's dope!
Before I got started, Toine of DTMD dropped by to give me some pointers on my new camera. He has the same one.
okay so I didn't get right to work, I had to go kick it with friends & grill first.
The next morning Jon Laine came through to lay some drums down.
The following morning, Dennis Turner came over to lay down some bass. Just after that Rich, myself & our Friend Lulu Fall headed to York, Pennsylvania to work with Ralph Real on keys & Joe McDowell on trumpet.
Driving to York
The man that plays on the majority of my tracks, Ralph Real.
Singer/song writer Lulu Fall
recording Joe McDowell on Trumpet
Last but not least, Lucan Pipkin on violin. I had been trying to get up with Lucan for days. Just hours before my bus back to NY, she came through!
& that ladies & gentlemen, is how you produce an album in two weeks, photograph it & set your camera on self timer to capture the cool & sophisticated contemplation of your accomplishments. Rock Creek Park coming this summer.